Welcome to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology's (ONC) Health IT Advisory Committee application database.

ONC is recruiting individuals to participate in future subcommittees of The Health Information Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC). The application database allows anyone interested in volunteering to apply for membership consideration. ONC will use this database to fill committee and subcommittee member vacancies (when available). For additional information, view Frequently Asked Questions about membership.

You may create an account and submit your information for an application to a future subcommittee. You will need to submit the following REQUIRED elements to complete your application:

  1. Full Contact Information
  2. Resume/CV (in MS Word, PDF, RTF, or .TXT format)
  3. Short Biographical Sketch (in MS Word, PDF, RTF, or .TXT format)
  4. Top 5 Areas of Expertise


Should you have any questions about this website or the process, please contact us at: onc-hitac@accelsolutionsllc.com

If you have any questions about the process, please contact: seth.pazinski@hhs.gov

Accel Solutions LLC is under contract to ONC to provide technical assistance support to the Health IT Advisory Committee, and subcommittees, and to assist the ONC FACA Project Officer with organizing and convening these critical activities. Accordingly, the information submitted for these applications falls under ONC’s Privacy Policy.